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Establishing a Digital Belonging
Diaspora Studies Pub Date : 2022-07-29 , DOI: 10.1163/09763457-tat00002
Dila Naz Madenoglu 1

A sense of belonging is one of the most important human needs. Immigrants might experience this differently because they tend to feel a lack of belonging to their host or home country. Nowadays, however, social media allows immigrants and diasporic groups to establish a digital sense of belonging. Members of the Turkish diaspora in Germany are inclined to use social media, especially Facebook, as a platform to connect with their roots, be informed about Turkish news, prove their Turkishness, and provide solidarity for each other. For this paper, we interviewed fifteen Turkish-Germans to get some insight into their perceptions about developing a digital belonging to Turkey through Facebook. We used discourse analysis to analyse their statements. The results suggest that Facebook allows Turkish-Germans to develop a digital belonging to Turkey through its specific features; however, it decreases their sense of belonging to Germany, as stated in the interviews.



归属感是人类最重要的需求之一。移民可能会有不同的体验,因为他们往往觉得缺乏对东道国或祖国的归属感。然而,如今,社交媒体让移民和侨民群体建立了一种数字归属感。散居在德国的土耳其人倾向于使用社交媒体,尤其是 Facebook,将其作为联系根源的平台,了解土耳其新闻,证明他们的土耳其人身份,并为彼此提供团结。对于本文,我们采访了 15 名土耳其裔德国人,以深入了解他们对通过 Facebook 开发属于土耳其的数字产品的看法。我们使用话语分析来分析他们的陈述。结果表明,Facebook 允许土耳其裔德国人通过其特定功能开发属于土耳其的数字;然而,正如访谈中所述,这降低了他们对德国的归属感。