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Can prenatal diagnosis of parachute mitral valve be achieved? A case report of fetal parachute mitral valve
Cardiovascular Ultrasound ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-08 , DOI: 10.1186/s12947-022-00288-z
Xiaohui Dai 1, 2 , Jiao Chen 1, 2 , Hanmin Liu 2, 3 , Lin Wu 2, 4 , Fumin Zhao 2, 5

Parachute mitral valve (PMV) is a common form of congenital mitral stenosis and is difficult to diagnose prenatally. This report describes a fetal case of PMV with coarctation of the aorta that was diagnosed at 25 weeks’ gestation by echocardiography and confirmed at autopsy. We describe the ultrasonographic features in this case and present a useful sign for making a prenatal diagnosis of PMV.



降落伞二尖瓣 (PMV) 是一种常见的先天性二尖瓣狭窄,产前诊断困难。本报告描述了一例伴有主动脉缩窄的 PMV 胎儿病例,该病例在妊娠 25 周时通过超声心动图诊断,并在尸检时得到证实。我们描述了这种情况下的超声特征,并为产前诊断 PMV 提供了有用的标志。