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Modeling sign concordance of quantile regression residuals with multiple outcomes
International Journal of Biostatistics ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-09 , DOI: 10.1515/ijb-2022-0020
Silvia Columbu 1 , Paolo Frumento 2 , Matteo Bottai 3

Quantile regression permits describing how quantiles of a scalar response variable depend on a set of predictors. Because a unique definition of multivariate quantiles is lacking, extending quantile regression to multivariate responses is somewhat complicated. In this paper, we describe a simple approach based on a two-step procedure: in the first step, quantile regression is applied to each response separately; in the second step, the joint distribution of the signs of the residuals is modeled through multinomial regression. The described approach does not require a multidimensional definition of quantiles, and can be used to capture important features of a multivariate response and assess the effects of covariates on the correlation structure. We apply the proposed method to analyze two different datasets.


