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From the Editors
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals ( IF 2.764 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-09 , DOI: 10.1177/21651434221110753
Val Mazzotti , Allison Lombardi

Welcome to the third issue of 2022! As we move into summer 2022, it definitely seems things are somewhat returning to normal. In May, we celebrated our first in person conference at the Division on Career Development and Transition international conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This was the first in person event since fall of 2019 when we were all together in Seattle, Washington. It was great to see many of you at our Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals (CDTEI) Editorial Board meeting in person at DCDT. As editors of CDTEI, we continue to be proud of the field of secondary transition and greatly appreciative of the continued, rigorous work of our reviewers and authors. We are excited to share issue 45:3 with you.



欢迎来到2022年第三期!随着我们进入 2022 年夏季,事情似乎在某种程度上恢复了正常。5 月,我们在南卡罗来纳州默特尔比奇的职业发展和转型司国际会议上庆祝了我们的第一次面对面会议。这是自 2019 年秋季我们齐聚华盛顿西雅图以来的第一次面对面活动。很高兴在我们的杰出个人职业发展和过渡(CDTEI) 编辑委员会会议上见到你们中的许多在 DCDT。作为 CDTEI 的编辑,我们继续为二次过渡领域感到自豪,并非常感谢我们的审稿人和作者持续、严谨的工作。我们很高兴与您分享问题 45:3。