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John W. Mohr, Christopher A. Bail, Margaret Frye, Jennifer C. Lena, Omar Lizardo, Terence E. McDonnell, Ann Mische, Iddo Tavory, and Frederick F. Wherry. Measuring Culture
Administrative Science Quarterly ( IF 10.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-11 , DOI: 10.1177/00018392221110442
Mary Ann Glynn

More than two decades ago, I attended a conference at Northwestern University, where John Mohr made a presentation, leveraging his classic paper “Measuring Meaning Structures” (1998). He was innovative, brilliant, and the academic audience was enthralled. With that talk, Mohr seemed to cement his reputation as “the guy who turned meaning into math” (Rawlings and Childress, 2021: 2). Sadly, and way too prematurely, he passed away in 2019, but this book, Measuring Culture, is part of his formidable legacy.