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Contribution of early-life unpredictability to neuropsychiatric symptom patterns in adulthood
Depression and Anxiety ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-14 , DOI: 10.1002/da.23277
Andrea D Spadoni 1, 2, 3 , Meghan Vinograd 2, 3 , Bruna Cuccurazzu 2, 3 , Katy Torres 2, 3 , Laura M Glynn 4, 5 , Elysia P Davis 6, 7 , Tallie Z Baram 7, 8, 9 , Dewleen G Baker 2, 3 , Caroline M Nievergelt 2, 3 , Victoria B Risbrough 1, 2, 3

Recent studies in both human and experimental animals have identified fragmented and unpredictable parental and environmental signals as a novel source of early-life adversity. Early-life unpredictability may be a fundamental developmental factor that impacts brain development, including reward and emotional memory circuits, affecting the risk for psychopathology later in life. Here, we tested the hypothesis that self-reported early-life unpredictability is associated with psychiatric symptoms in adult clinical populations.


