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The cellular and molecular mediators of metastasis to the lung
Growth Factors ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-21 , DOI: 10.1080/08977194.2022.2087520
Oliver Cucanic 1, 2 , Rae H Farnsworth 1, 2 , Steven A Stacker 1, 2, 3


Organ-specific metastasis to secondary organs is dependent on the formation of a supportive pre-metastatic niche. This tissue-specific microenvironmental response is thought to be mediated by mutational and epigenetic changes to primary tumour cells resulting in altered cross-talk between cell types. This response is augmented through the release of tumour and stromal signalling mediators including cytokines, chemokines, exosomes and growth factors. Although researchers have elucidated some of the cancer-promoting features that are bespoke to organotropic metastasis to the lungs, it remains unclear if these are organ-specific or generic between organs. Understanding the mechanisms that mediate the metastasis-promoting synergy between the host microenvironment, immunity, and pulmonary structures may elucidate predictive, prognostic and therapeutic markers that could be targeted to reduce the metastatic burden of disease. Herein, we give an updated summary of the known cellular and molecular mechanisms that contribute to the formation of the lung pre-metastatic niche and tissue-specific metastasis.




