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“Too many cooperatives and too few cooperativists”: the consumer cooperative movement in Catalonia 1898–1939
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies Pub Date : 2022-07-26 , DOI: 10.1080/14701847.2022.2087953
Jason Garner 1


This article charts the evolution of the Catalan Cooperative movement from the creation of the first regional organisation, the Chamber of Catalan and Balearic Cooperatives in 1898, to the end of the Civil War in 1939. It looks at the aims of the Chamber and its successor organisation the Federation of Catalan Cooperatives, as expressed at congresses and in the movement’s press and then analyses the tactics adopted to achieve these and why, in general, they did not enjoy the success that was hoped for. The founders of the Chamber were influenced by movements in other countries, specifically France, Belgium and the United Kingdom and was a member of the International Cooperative Alliance adopting the principles of these including political neutrality and the belief in acting independently of the State and political organisations. It was hoped that Catalan cooperatives would be able to catch up with and match the strength and influence of cooperatives in these countries. However, although the cooperative movement enjoyed spectacular growth during the Civil War, much of the progress that was made by cooperatives was due to circumstance and state intervention rather than due to the movement itself.


“合作社太多,合作者太少”:1898-1939 年加泰罗尼亚的消费者合作运动


本文描绘了加泰罗尼亚合作社运动的演变,从 1898 年第一个区域组织加泰罗尼亚和巴利阿里合作社的成立到 1939 年内战结束。它着眼于商会及其继任者的目标组织加泰罗尼亚合作社联合会,正如在大会和运动媒体上所表达的那样,然后分析了为实现这些目标而采取的策略,以及为什么他们没有享受到所希望的成功。商会的创始人受到其他国家运动的影响,特别是法国、比利时和英国,并且是国际合作联盟的成员,采用了这些原则,包括政治中立和独立于国家和政治组织行事的信念. 希望加泰罗尼亚合作社能够赶上并匹配这些国家合作社的实力和影响力。然而,尽管合作社运动在内战期间取得了惊人的发展,但合作社取得的大部分进展是由于环境和国家干预,而不是运动本身。
