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Faroese Preaspiration: A Nucleus/Onset Interaction Analysis
Journal of Germanic Linguistics ( IF 0.588 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s1470542721000234
Laurence Voeltzel

This paper focuses on Faroese preaspiration, a phenomenon observed in Western Nordic and in some Eastern Nordic dialects, where fortis stops are preceded by a glottal frication noise in specific contexts. After observing all environments where the mechanism is triggered, I provide phonological representations of the phenomena based on Government Phonology 2.0. In this model, the segmental structures contain melody but also space, which allows for intersegmental relations such as lengthening, even without adding new morphological material. As preaspiration depends on the vowel preceding the fortis stop—more precisely, on its vocalic quality and length—I propose analyzing preaspiration as a spreading of the fortis consonant toward the vowel on the left. In doing so, I provide a unified analysis of all environments in which preaspiration occurs.*



本文重点关注法罗语的预吸气,这是在北欧西部和一些东北欧方言中观察到的现象,在特定语境中,强音停止之前会出现声门摩擦噪音。在观察了触发机制的所有环境之后,我提供了基于政府音系 2.0 的现象的音系表示。在这个模型中,节段结构既包含旋律,也包含空间,即使不添加新的形态材料,也允许片段间的关系,例如延长。由于预送气取决于强塞音之前的元音——更准确地说,取决于它的声音质量和长度——我建议将预送气分析为强辅音向左侧元音的扩展。在此过程中,我对发生预吸气的所有环境进行了统一分析。*
