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Comparing post-concussion symptom reporting between adults with and without a TBI history within an adult male correctional facility
Brain Impairment ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-17 , DOI: 10.1017/brimp.2022.20
Alice Theadom , Tracey Mitchell , Daniel Shepherd


A higher proportion of people in prison have a history of traumatic brain injury (TBI) than the general population. However, little is known about potentially related persistent symptoms in this population.


To compare symptom reporting in men with and without a history of TBI following admission to a correctional facility.


All men transferred to the South Auckland Correctional Facility in New Zealand complete a lifetime TBI history and the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptom Questionnaire (RPQ) as part of their routine health screen. Data collected between June 2020 and March 2021 were extracted and anonymised. Participants were classified as reporting at least one TBI in their lifetime or no TBI history. The underlying factor structure of the RPQ was determined using principal components analysis. Symptom scores between those with and without a TBI history were compared using Mann Whitney U tests.


Of the N = 363 adult male participants, 240 (66%) reported experiencing at least one TBI in their lifetime. The RPQ was found to have a two-factor structure (Factor 1: cognitive, emotional, behavioural; Factor 2: visual-ocular) explaining 61% of the variance. Men reporting a TBI history had significantly higher cognitive, emotional and behavioural (U = 50.4, p < 0.001) and visuo-ocular symptoms (U = 68.5, p < 0.001) in comparison to men reporting no TBI history.


A history of TBI was associated with higher symptom burden on admission to a correctional facility. Screening for TBI history and current symptoms on admission may assist prisoners experiencing persistent effects of TBI to access rehabilitation.


比较成年男性惩教机构内有和没有 TBI 病史的成年人之间的脑震荡后症状报告


与一般人群相比,监狱中有创伤性脑损伤 (TBI) 病史的人比例更高。然而,人们对该人群中潜在相关的持续症状知之甚少。


比较有和没有 TBI 病史的男性入狱后的症状报告。


所有被转移到新西兰南奥克兰惩教所的男子都完成了一生的 TBI 病史和 Rivermead 脑震荡后症状问卷 (RPQ),作为常规健康筛查的一部分。提取 2020 年 6 月至 2021 年 3 月期间收集的数据并进行匿名处理。参与者被分类为一生中至少报告过一次 TBI 或没有 TBI 病史。RPQ 的基本因素结构是通过主成分分析确定的。使用 Mann Whitney U测试对有 TBI 病史和无 TBI 病史的患者之间的症状评分进行比较。


N = 363 名成年男性参与者中,240 名 (66%) 报告称一生中至少经历过一次 TBI。研究发现 RPQ 有一个双因素结构(因素 1:认知、情感、行为;因素 2:视觉-视觉)解释了 61% 的方差。与没有报告 TBI 病史的男性相比,报告有 TBI 病史的男性认知、情绪和行为 ( U = 50.4,p < 0.001) 以及视觉眼部症状 ( U = 68.5,p < 0.001)显着更高。


TBI 病史与入狱时较高的症状负担相关。入院时筛查 TBI 病史和当前症状可能有助于遭受 TBI 持续影响的囚犯获得康复。
