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Landed Estates, Rural Commons and Collective Agriculture in Ottoman Niş and Leskofçe in the Nineteenth Century
Turkish Historical Review Pub Date : 2022-08-23 , DOI: 10.1163/18775462-bja10036
Yücel Terzibaşoğlu 1

In contesting claims of private ownership of landed estates in mid-nineteenth-century Niş and Leskofçe, peasants argued that they cultivated and possessed the land ‘jointly and commonly’. It was a claim that questioned existing property relations, based on tenancy and sharecropping in landed estates (çiftliks) owned by urban landholders. This article attempts to reconstruct the social organisation of production in the estates by exploring forms of land use and labour which were embedded in forms of collective peasant organisation and practice. It is argued that the co-existence of multiple land use and labour forms under a dominant framework of estate agriculture generated social tensions with long-term consequences.



在 19 世纪中叶的 Niş 和 Leskofçe 争论土地私有制的主张时,农民争辩说他们“共同和共同”耕种和拥有土地。这是一个质疑现有财产关系的主张,基于土地租赁和分成制(西夫特利克s) 由城市土地所有者拥有。本文试图通过探索植根于农民集体组织和实践形式的土地使用和劳动形式,重建庄园生产的社会组织。有人认为,在庄园农业占主导地位的框架下,多种土地利用和劳动力形式的共存产生了具有长期后果的社会紧张局势。