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The integral geometric Satake equivalence in mixed characteristic
Representation Theory ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-18 , DOI: 10.1090/ert/610
Jize Yu

Abstract:Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p$. Denote by $W(k)$ the ring of Witt vectors of $k$. Let $F$ denote a totally ramified finite extension of $W(k)[1/p]$ and $\mathcal {O}$ its ring of integers. For a connected reductive group scheme $G$ over $\mathcal {O}$, we study the category $\mathrm {P}_{L^+G}(Gr_G,\Lambda )$ of $L^+G$-equivariant perverse sheaves in $\Lambda$-coefficient on the Witt vector affine Grassmannian $Gr_G$ where $\Lambda =\mathbb {Z}_{\ell }$ and $\mathbb {F}_{\ell } \ (\ell \ne p)$, and prove that it is equivalent as a tensor category to the category of finitely generated $\Lambda$-representations of the Langlands dual group of $G$.



摘要:令$k$为特征$p$的代数闭域。用 $W(k)$ 表示 $k$ 的 Witt 向量环。令$F$ 表示$W(k)[1/p]$ 的一个完全分支的有限扩展,$\mathcal {O}$ 表示它的整数环。对于$\mathcal {O}$ 上的连通约简群方案$G$,我们研究$L^+G$- 的类别$\mathrm {P}_{L^+G}(Gr_G,\Lambda )$ Witt 向量仿射 Grassmannian $Gr_G$ 上 $\Lambda$ 系数中的等变反滑轮,其中 $\Lambda =\mathbb {Z}_{\ell }$ 和 $\mathbb {F}_{\ell } \ (\ ell \ne p)$,并证明它作为一个张量范畴等价于 $G$ 的 Langlands 对偶群的有限生成 $\Lambda$-表示的范畴。