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Enlightenment and reform in the French Atlantic empire: Véron de Forbonnais, Pierre-Louis de Saintard, and the 1756 debate over the admission of neutral commerce in the Antillean colonies
French History ( IF 0.114 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-20 , DOI: 10.1093/fh/crac040
Giulio Talini 1

This article analyses the political and intellectual debates that took place in the French Empire concerning the admission of neutral commerce to the colonies at the outbreak of the Seven Years’ War (1756–1763). The decision taken by the Minister for the Navy, Machault d’Arnouville, was justified as the only means available to provide the Antilles with essential goods in the face of British naval primacy. Nonetheless, it met with strenuous opposition from the French chambres de commerce, which were reluctant to redistribute power in favour of the colonies. On the other hand, the economist Véron de Forbonnais and the Dominguan planter Pierre-Louis de Saintard strongly supported the minister, albeit for different reasons and goals. Linking questions of colonial dependence and neutrality, their theories disclose new perspectives on the political and intellectual impact of enlightened reform in the French Atlantic empire.


法兰西大西洋帝国的启蒙与改革:Véron de Forbonnais、Pierre-Louis de Saintard 和 1756 年关于安的列斯殖民地接纳中立贸易的辩论

本文分析了法兰西帝国在七年战争(1756-1763 年)爆发时关于允许中立贸易进入殖民地的政治和知识辩论。海军部长 Machault d'Arnouville 做出的决定被认为是面对英国海军至高无上的情况下向安的列斯群岛提供必需品的唯一可用手段。尽管如此,它还是遭到了法国商会的强烈反对,他们不愿重新分配权力以支持殖民地。另一方面,经济学家 Véron de Forbonnais 和多明关种植园主 Pierre-Louis de Saintard 强烈支持部长,尽管出于不同的原因和目标。将殖民依赖和中立问题联系起来,