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Framework and content of energy transition in Southeast Asia with ASEAN and the EU
The Journal of World Energy Law & Business ( IF 0.403 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-22 , DOI: 10.1093/jwelb/jwac023
Winfried Huck 1 , Jennifer Maaß 2 , Saparya Sood 3 , Tahar Benmaghnia 4 , Sarah Maylin Heß 5

According to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, energy transition and globally collaborative solutions play a crucial role in mitigating or preferably preventing human-induced global warming. Factual, legal, security policy and economic determinants shape the field of energy use, energy transition as well as tied climate change policy. Both Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the EU, aware of this fact, are coordinating their endeavours to achieve a climate neutral future. This article discusses the energy transition in the ASEAN in the context of climate change considerations, the effects of this transition on people, and if and how the unique ASEAN way, law and economic governance in ASEAN are conducive to it. Here, the 45-year strategic partnership between ASEAN and the European Union (EU) provides opportunities to shape a socially just energy transition. The article shows which actors are affected by this transition, and which challenges and practical opportunities energy governance and the EU–ASEAN partnership offers. The article concludes that a long-termism approach is crucial in this regard to keep costs to a minimum by spurring concerted cooperation efforts to align and harmonize climate change goals, and ensuring a secure, sustainable energy supply. In particular, it is the absence of judicial control mechanisms for (private) actors, groups and individuals affected by the energy transition that precludes accountability and contradicts a path for extending and strengthening the fundamental concept of trust in informal governance structures in ASEAN. At the same time, it is argued that this also prevents an effective and efficient expansion of joint EU–ASEAN efforts, which for the time being, it seems, will remain political in nature with no assertive effect.



根据最新的政府间气候变化专门委员会 (IPCC) 报告,能源转型和全球合作解决方案在减轻或最好防止人为引起的全球变暖方面发挥着至关重要的作用。事实、法律、安全政策和经济决定因素塑造了能源使用领域、能源转型以及相关的气候变化政策。意识到这一事实的东南亚国家联盟 (ASEAN) 和欧盟正在协调努力以实现气候中和的未来。本文在气候变化考虑的背景下讨论了东盟的能源转型,这种转型对人们的影响,以及东盟独特的东盟方式、法律和经济治理是否以及如何对其有利。这里,东盟与欧盟 (EU) 之间 45 年的战略伙伴关系为塑造社会公正的能源转型提供了机会。文章展示了哪些行为者受到这种转变的影响,以及能源治理和欧盟-东盟伙伴关系提供了哪些挑战和实际机遇。文章得出结论,在这方面,长期主义方法对于通过促进协调一致的合作努力以协调和协调气候变化目标并确保安全、可持续的能源供应,将成本降至最低至关重要。特别是,受能源转型影响的(私人)行为者、团体和个人缺乏司法控制机制,排除了问责制,并与在东盟非正式治理结构中扩展和加强信任基本概念的道路相矛盾。