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Reading Talmudic Sources as Arguments: The Case of Water Used by a Baker
Review of Rabbinic Judaism Pub Date : 2022-09-24 , DOI: 10.1163/15700704-12341396
Yuval Blankovsky 1

By discussing a short sugya, this paper demonstrates how to read the components of a typical Talmudic discussion – Mishnah, Tosefta, Yerushalmi and Bavli – as arguments. In contrast to widely used academic approaches, I show that it is possible to ascribe disagreement to parallel sources without passing judgment either on their chronological order or on whether one of the sources is a direct response to the other. The appendix offers a new theoretical model for approaching the synoptic problem in rabbinic literature.



通过讨论一个简短的 sugya,本文演示了如何阅读典型的塔木德讨论的组成部分——Mishnah、Tosefta、Yerushalmi 和 Bavli——作为论据。与广泛使用的学术方法相反,我表明可以将分歧归因于平行来源而不用判断它们的时间顺序或一个来源是否是对另一个来源的直接回应。附录提供了一个新的理论模型来解决拉比文学中的天气问题。