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Bonding, signaling theory and dividend policy: Evidence from multinational firms
Journal of Asset Management Pub Date : 2022-09-23 , DOI: 10.1057/s41260-022-00289-7
Imen Ghadhab

This paper investigates the dynamics of cross-listing and dividend policy. Using a sample of 19,200 firm-year observations for the period 1990–2019, we find that cross-listed firms are less likely to distribute dividends, adopt more stable policy and pay more cash compared to their non-cross-listed peers. We also show that firms originated from poor legal environment have a stable policy and pay more dividend. Finally, we find that cross-listed firms with more dividend payment exhibit higher valuations.



本文研究了交叉上市和股息政策的动态。使用 1990-2019 年期间的 19,200 个公司年度观察样本,我们发现与非交叉上市的同行相比,交叉上市的公司不太可能分配股息、采取更稳定的政策和支付更多的现金。我们还表明,法律环境较差的公司政策稳定,支付的红利更多。最后,我们发现具有更多股息支付的交叉上市公司表现出更高的估值。
