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Blue-Green Space Changes of Baiyangdian Wetland in Xiong’an New Area, China
Advances in Meteorology ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-9-27 , DOI: 10.1155/2022/4873393
Chunlei Zhao 1, 2 , Shuan Qian 3 , Chengzhen Meng 1, 2 , Yufei Chang 1, 2 , Wenzhe Guo 4, 5 , Sha Wang 2, 6 , Yinglong Sun 3

As a regulator of ecological environment, Baiyangdian Wetland is in a pivotal position in constructing the blue-green space (BGS) of Xiong’an New Area in China. This study aims to reveal the spatiotemporal changes of the BGS in Baiyangdian Wetland from 2016 to 2021. It uses Google Earth Engine (GEE) to calculate NDVI and NDWI based on Sentinel-2 Satellite remote sensing data and extracts the blue-green space by a classification model driven by NDVI and NDWI. Moreover, the land-use transfer matrix and landscape pattern indices are applied for evaluating the BGS changes in the wetland. According to the results, vegetation in the wetland shows no obvious spatial transfer. From 2016 to 2020, the BGS proportion in the wetland showed a stable increase, with the blue space getting larger by 10.8%. The indicators of the Number of Patches (NP), Patch Density (PD), Largest Patch Index (LPI), Contagion, and Landscape Shape Index (LSI) of the wetland decreased, suggesting a better ecological environment since the establishment of Xiong’an New Area in 2017. Based on the results, the author makes the following conclusion: the construction of BGS in Baiyangdian Wetland results in a well-organized ecological environment. The study provides a reference for building Xiong’an New Area and monitoring BGS changes in other regions.