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Texas Private Equity Conference 2022: Session I: The State of and Prospects for U.S. Private Equity
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Pub Date : 2022-09-29 , DOI: 10.1111/jacf.12516
Rich Hall 1 , Kewsong Lee 2

Kewsong Lee, CEO of the Carlyle Group was interviewed by Rich Hall, Chief Investment Officer of UTIMCO. From his vantage point at Carlyle overseeing 300 portfolio companies, Lee sees US economic growth as positive but decelerating while inflation continues to be high. So far, Carlyle-owned firms have been able to pass through higher costs to their consumers although the expected Fed tightening would reduce asset values and general confidence.


德州私募股权大会 2022:第一场:美国私募股权的现状和前景

凯雷集团首席执行官 Kewsong Lee 接受了 UTIMCO 首席投资官 Rich Hall 的采访。从他在凯雷管理 300 家投资组合公司的角度来看,Lee 认为美国经济增长是积极的,但在通胀继续居高不下时正在减速。到目前为止,凯雷旗下的公司已经能够将更高的成本转嫁给消费者,尽管预期的美联储收紧政策会降低资产价值和总体信心。