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When growing pains and sick days collide: infectious disease can stabilize host population oscillations caused by stage structure
Theoretical Ecology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s12080-022-00543-z
Margaret W. Simon , Michael Barfield , Robert D. Holt

All individuals transition through various life stages over the course of their development and nearly all organisms must contend with infectious disease at some point in their lives. Yet the intersection of these two universal features of life—stage structure and infectious disease—and their joint effects on population dynamics are poorly understood. Here, we develop a two-stage population model in which density dependence acts on juvenile maturation, and infectious disease affects either juveniles or adults via reduction in maturation, reproduction, or survival. In the absence of disease, this form of density dependence can generate persistent population oscillations. We examine whether infectious disease further accentuates these oscillations (by augmenting their amplitude) or stabilizes them (by reducing their amplitude). We find that, for moderate transmission rates (a proxy for disease incidence), disease can stabilize dynamics. In contrast, fast disease transmission is not generally stabilizing, which is, at least in part, due to disease overexploitation of the infectious class. Hydra effects are possible in the model due to density overcompensation and occur when disease increases juvenile mortality or decreases adult fecundity (but do not occur when disease augments adult mortality or reduces maturation). Slow maturation, large disease-free population size, and strong density-dependent population regulation can each lower the transmission rate required for the infectious disease to invade the population.

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