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The economy of Melitene/Malaṭya and its role in the Byzantine-Islamic trade (seventh to eleventh centuries)
Byzantinische Zeitschrift Pub Date : 2022-10-03 , DOI: 10.1515/bz-2022-0044
Koray Durak 1

The city of Melitene in eastern Asia Minor/western Armenia presents a peculiar case in the study of Byzantine-Islamic commerce in the early Middle Ages, because, unlike Trebizond or Attaleia, its commerce was entirely based on land-route connections, and the available evidence does not identify it as a town deliberately designated as a commercial exchange point by the Byzantine authorities. My purpose is to find an answer to the question of how Byzantine- Islamic trade took place in a location on the eastern land frontier where the coexistence of war and trade was a daily reality. The products and export items as well as the routes of the Melitene zone and its neighboring regions (Cappadocia, Pontos, Armenia) are examined in order to situate Melitene in a larger commercial context. I argue that Melitene prospered commercially in the middle of war zone for centuries and that its commercial fortunes began to improve especially by the beginning of the tenth century, reaching their climax in the eleventh century.


Melitene/Malaṭya 的经济及其在拜占庭-伊斯兰贸易中的作用(七至十一世纪)

小亚细亚东部/亚美尼亚西部的梅利泰内市是中世纪早期拜占庭-伊斯兰商业研究的一个特殊案例,因为与特拉布宗或阿塔莱亚不同,它的商业完全基于陆路连接,而可用的证据并未将其确定为拜占庭当局故意指定为商业交换点的城镇。我的目的是找到一个问题的答案,即拜占庭-伊斯兰贸易是如何发生在东部陆地边境的一个地方,那里战争和贸易共存已成为日常现实。对产品和出口项目以及 Melitene 区及其邻近地区(卡帕多西亚、蓬托斯、亚美尼亚)的路线进行检查,以便将 Melitene 置于更大的商业环境中。