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Survey of Approaches and Techniques for Security Verification of Computer Systems
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-19 , DOI: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3564785
Ferhat Erata, Shuwen Deng, Faisal Zaghloul, Wenjie Xiong, Onur Demir, Jakub Szefer

This article surveys the landscape of security verification approaches and techniques for computer systems at various levels: from a software-application level all the way to the physical hardware level. Different existing projects are compared, based on the tools used and security aspects being examined. Since many systems require both hardware and software components to work together to provide the system’s promised security protections, it is not sufficient to verify just the software levels or just the hardware levels in a mutually exclusive fashion. This survey especially highlights system levels that are verified by the different existing projects and presents to the readers the state of the art in hardware and software system security verification. Few approaches come close to providing full-system verification, and there is still much room for improvement.



