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Exposure to an enriched environment promotes dendritic remodelling in hippocampal neurons affected by endogenous depression
Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics ( IF 1.476 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-06
Bhagya V, Sindhu VK, Mahati K, Shankaranarayana Rao BS

Neuronal plasticity is enhanced in an enriched environment (EE) with more sensory and social interaction. In an animal model of endogenous depression, we have previously shown that EE has positive effects on spatial memory and hippocampus synaptic plasticity. However, nothing is known about how EE influences dendritic remodelling in hippocampal neurons affected by endogenous depression. In depressed rats, the impact of EE on hippocampus neuronal morphology was examined. Neonatal clomipramine exposure from postnatal days (PND) 8-21 days induced endogenous depression. The depressed-like rats were exposed to an enriched environment for two weeks in adulthood. Brains were then collected, stained with a modified Golgi-cox technique and, the hippocampal CA1 dendritic arborisation was evaluated using the Neurolucida software. Depression resulted in the atrophy of CA1 hippocampal neurons. The number of branching points and the overall number of dendritic intersections were reduced in depressed rats,. Exposure to an enriched environment significantly increased dendritic branching and the total number of dendritic intersections in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. The hippocampal pyramidal neuronal morphology of depressed rats improved after exposure to environmental enrichment. Neuronal plasticity and the development of novel therapeutic strategy will be improved by a greater understanding of how the environment affects neuronal morphology in depressed states.



在具有更多感官和社会互动的丰富环境 (EE) 中,神经元可塑性得到增强。在一个内源性抑郁的动物模型中,我们之前已经证明 EE 对空间记忆和海马突触可塑性有积极影响。然而,对于 EE 如何影响受内源性抑郁影响的海马神经元的树突重塑,我们一无所知。在抑郁的大鼠中,检查了 EE 对海马神经元形态的影响。出生后 8-21 天的新生儿氯米帕明暴露 (PND) 会诱发内源性抑郁症。抑郁样大鼠在成年期暴露于丰富的环境中两周。然后收集大脑,用改良的高尔基-考克斯技术染色,并使用 Neurolucida 软件评估海马 CA1 树突状树枝状结构。抑郁症导致CA1海马神经元萎缩。抑郁大鼠的分支点数和树突交叉点总数减少。暴露于丰富的环境显着增加了海马 CA1 锥体神经元中的树突分支和树突交叉点的总数。暴露于富集环境后,抑郁大鼠的海马锥体神经元形态得到改善。通过更深入地了解环境如何影响抑郁状态下的神经元形态,神经元可塑性和新治疗策略的开发将得到改善。暴露于丰富的环境显着增加了海马 CA1 锥体神经元中的树突分支和树突交叉点的总数。暴露于富集环境后,抑郁大鼠的海马锥体神经元形态得到改善。通过更深入地了解环境如何影响抑郁状态下的神经元形态,神经元可塑性和新治疗策略的开发将得到改善。暴露于丰富的环境显着增加了海马 CA1 锥体神经元中的树突分支和树突交叉点的总数。暴露于富集环境后,抑郁大鼠的海马锥体神经元形态得到改善。通过更深入地了解环境如何影响抑郁状态下的神经元形态,神经元可塑性和新治疗策略的开发将得到改善。