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Ideology and the Red Button: How Ideology Shapes Nuclear Weapons’ Use Preferences in Europe
Foreign Policy Analysis ( IF 2.646 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-14 , DOI: 10.1093/fpa/orac022
Michal Onderco 1 , Tom W Etienne 2 , Michal Smetana 3

Does partisan ideology influence whether Europeans are willing to use nuclear weapons, and if so, how? The US nuclear weapons stationed in Europe have been at the core of European security since the Cold War, but we have still yet to learn what would make Europeans be willing to support their use. In this paper, we present the results of a survey, in which we asked citizens in Germany and the Netherlands about their views on the use of the US nuclear weapons stationed on their territory in four distinct scenarios. Our results indicate that voters of right-wing parties are more likely to approve of the use of nuclear weapons in both countries. There are, however, important differences between the two countries in terms of the degree to which the participants oppose the use of nuclear weapons. These results have implications for NATO's nuclear deterrence posture.


