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Impersonalisation: the corruption of social care. Competing dimensions, personal perspectives and experiences of care
Journal of Social Work Practice ( IF 1.179 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-25 , DOI: 10.1080/02650533.2022.2119949
John Burton 1


In this paper I argue that ‘personalisation’ is a rebranding policy that has had three effects: to disguise deep structural faults in the organisation, funding and practice of social care; to deceive the population into assuming (until they come to need it) that personalised social care exists, and to systematically undermine and destroy what remains of truly personal, relationship based care in communities. I give numerous examples of the ways in which care homes have been corrupted throughout the relentless privatisation, commercialisation and regulation of the last thirty years; I tell of my own experience of social care since the 1960s, and I give three accounts of people I know who have been able to find real and very personal care still surviving in their neighbourhoods.




在本文中,我认为“个性化”是一种品牌重塑政策,它产生了三个影响:掩盖社会关怀的组织、资金和实践中的深层结构性缺陷;欺骗人们假设(直到他们需要它)存在个性化的社会关怀,并系统地破坏和破坏社区中真正个人的、基于关系的关怀的剩余部分。我举了许多例子,说明在过去 30 年无情的私有化、商业化和监管过程中,养老院是如何腐败的;我讲述了自 1960 年代以来我自己的社会关怀经历,并提供了三个我认识的人的经历,他们能够在他们的社区中找到真正的和非常个人化的关怀。
