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Taking it personally: practitioner perspectives on the unfinished business of putting personalisation into practice
Journal of Social Work Practice ( IF 1.179 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-25 , DOI: 10.1080/02650533.2022.2128312
Victoria Grimwood


In this article, I foreground the perspectives of a small group of social workers involved in the iterative process of putting personalisation into practice from within local authority adult social care settings. I set out my approach, which invokes a practice standpoint definition of personalisation, drawn from a reflective round table discussion. This definition incorporates the emotional labour of the liminal lived experience of working towards putting personalisation into practice, under constrained and evolving conditions. I consider how certain tropes of transformation engender frustration and associated emotional responses, which practitioners and managers need to acknowledge and be able to engage with. I draw on shame studies, and factors considered most relevant to practitioner wellbeing. I conclude that a greater focus on the elements of lived experience of practice may lead to specific insights, likely to remain of relevance as the future of social care continues to be mapped.




