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The Burdened Burdensome Woman: A Poststructural Feminist Analysis of Discussions of The New York Times’ Homeschooling Gender (Dis)Parity Article
Southern Communication Journal Pub Date : 2022-10-27 , DOI: 10.1080/1041794x.2022.2137573
Heather M. Stassen 1 , Tennley A. Vik 2 , Heather J. Carmack 3 , Jocelyn M. DeGroot 4


As the COVID-19 pandemic swept America in 2020, schools closed and families shifted to children learning online from home. This labor was dominantly covered by mothers, many of whom still had careers to maintain. A 2020 New York Times article reporting on the homeschooling shift concluded with the polarizing declaration that while women did most of the labor associated with homeschooling, men did not perceive the gender imbalance. Guided by a critical feminist lens, the authors examined the comments posted in the article’s comment section to unpack the discourse. Western society places pressure on women to flawlessly perform motherhood and other tasks simultaneously; as such, the COVID-19 pandemic provided a context rich for further subjugation and subordination of pink-collar work.




随着 2020 年 COVID-19 大流行席卷美国,学校关闭,家庭转向孩子在家在线学习。这种分娩主要由母亲承担,其中许多人仍有事业要维持。纽约时报2020 年一篇关于在家上学转变的文章以两极分化的声明结尾,即虽然女性承担了与在家上学相关的大部分劳动,但男性并没有意识到性别失衡。在批判的女权主义视角的指导下,作者检查了文章评论部分中发布的评论,以解开话语的瓶颈。西方社会对女性施加压力,要求她们同时完美地完成母亲和其他任务;因此,COVID-19 大流行为粉领工作的进一步压制和从属提供了丰富的背景。
