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“Me hace dudar de tu venida”: mobile immigrants, colonial enterprise, familial obligation, and the complications of a transatlantic marriage
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies Pub Date : 2022-11-01 , DOI: 10.1080/14701847.2022.2140952
Jesse Cromwell 1


Bourbon reformers encouraged impoverished Canary Islanders to repopulate and cultivate peripheral locales of the empire throughout the eighteenth century. However, this mobility clashed with the family obligations of those settlers. In 1759, at the age of eighteen, Domingo Galdona left Tenerife in the Canary Islands to make his fortune in Venezuela, settling in Cumaná and accumulating a handsome cacao plantation by his hard work. This rags-to-riches story was complicated thirteen years later when Galdona’s wife, Antonia Guerra y Baute, filed a suit with colonial administrators demanding that he return to married life with her and their daughter in Tenerife or, alternatively, take them to live with him in Cumaná. Guerra y Baute’s suit accused Galdona of bigamy, smuggling, domestic abuse, faking his own death, and abandonment. Domingo and Antonia’s case was also a story about immigration and the state. His troubles with the legal apparatus of empire demonstrated how migration complicated bedrock principles of domestic society in the Iberian world. The frustrating ambiguities of Domingo and Antonia’s case reveal that when imperial ongoing mobility forced personal matters into the public sphere, individuals’ true desires often contradicted their initial testimonies and their prescribed societal obligations.


“Me hace dudar de tu venida”:流动移民、殖民企业、家庭义务和跨大西洋婚姻的复杂性


在整个 18 世纪,波旁改革者鼓励贫困的加那利群岛居民重新定居和开垦帝国的周边地区。然而,这种流动性与这些定居者的家庭义务发生了冲突。1759 年,18 岁的多明戈·加尔多纳 (Domingo Galdona) 离开加那利群岛的特内里费 (Tenerife) 前往委内瑞拉发家致富,在库马纳 (Cumaná) 定居,靠辛勤耕耘积累了一个不错的可可种植园。这个白手起家的故事在 13 年后变得复杂起来,当时加尔多纳的妻子安东尼娅·格拉·博特 (Antonia Guerra y Baute) 向殖民地行政官提起诉讼,要求他与她和他们的女儿回到特内里费岛的婚姻生活,或者带他们一起生活他在库马纳。Guerra y Baute 的诉讼指控 Galdona 重婚、走私、家庭暴力、假死和遗弃。多明戈和安东尼娅的案子也是一个关于移民和国家的故事。他与帝国法律机构的麻烦表明移民如何使伊比利亚世界国内社会的基本原则复杂化。多明戈和安东尼娅案件令人沮丧的模棱两可表明,当帝国持续的流动性迫使个人事务进入公共领域时,个人的真实愿望往往与他们最初的证词和规定的社会义务相矛盾。
