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Learte’s dream. Spanish transatlantic mobility in the eighteenth century through the autobiography of a Navarrese migrant
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies Pub Date : 2022-11-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14701847.2022.2140957
María Victoria Marquez 1


Fracasos de la fortuna is the title of Miguel de Learte Zegama’s autobiography written during the 1780s. Learte Zegama, born in Sangüesa (Navarre) circa 1731, decided to write his memoirs from his childhood in the north of Spain, his years in Cadiz, his travel into the Canary Islands, and his emigration to the province of Rio de la Plata around 1750. This narrative outlines a personal defence of the author to rebuild his deteriorated reputation after the expulsion of the Jesuits from the Gobernación of Tucumán based on his mobility. The present article focuses on two aspects of (t)his story that illuminate the transitory dimension of the migrant’s experience and its subjective fluidity: the impulses and self-presentation. Firstly, I address the two main impulses of Learte to migrate from Cadiz to America and, later, from Tucuman to Navarre. Then, I examine the account of Learte’s sojourn in the Canary Islands and the ambivalent peninsular and American perspective from which he writes. Thus, this case study provides an example of eighteenth-century mobilities, problematising categories like “merchant” or “creole,” and demanding an approach that recognizes formative paths, contingency and multidirectional character of mobility, as constitutive of the early modern experience.


莱尔特的梦想。通过一位纳瓦拉移民的自传了解 18 世纪西班牙跨大西洋的流动性


命运之战是 Miguel de Learte Zegama 在 1780 年代写的自传的标题。Learte Zegama 大约 1731 年出生于 Sangüesa(纳瓦拉),决定撰写回忆录,记录他在西班牙北部的童年、在加的斯的岁月、前往加那利群岛的旅行,以及他移民到附近的拉普拉塔河省的经历1750 年。这段叙述概述了在耶稣会士因他的流动性被驱逐出图库曼的 Gobernación 之后,作者为重建他恶化的声誉而进行的个人辩护。本文着重于 (t)his 故事的两个方面,这两个方面阐明了移民经历的短暂维度及其主观流动性:冲动和自我呈现。首先,我阐述了李尔特从加的斯移民到美洲,以及后来从图库曼移民到纳瓦拉的两个主要冲动。然后,我研究了李尔特在加那利群岛逗留的记述,以及他写作时所从的半岛和美国矛盾的视角。因此,本案例研究提供了 18 世纪流动性的示例,将“商人”或“克里奥尔人”等类别问题化,并要求一种方法将流动性的形成路径、偶然性和多向性特征视为早期现代经验的构成要素。
