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Equity and Inclusion for Social Work Students with Disabilities: A Scoping Review
Journal of Teaching in Social Work Pub Date : 2022-11-03 , DOI: 10.1080/08841233.2022.2120158
Sharyn DeZelar 1 , Renee Hepperlen 2 , Lisa Kiesel 1


Social work programs have progressed in ensuring equal access for qualified students with disabilities. Yet, schools of social work and their faculty have often struggled to fully include and comfortably balance the rights of students with disabilities and the gate-keeping role that rests with them to ensure that trained social workers are suitable for professional practice. In this scoping review we identify and synthesize research regarding social work education’s proposed and implemented response to students with disabilities. We examine, within 34 published papers from 1990 to the present, the opportunities and challenges of both proactive and reactive responses for accessibility; identify theories, frameworks and tools developed as guidance to program support and gatekeeping; and provide a report of students with disabilities about the experience of social work education. Addressing disability frequently seems to be a low program priority, and the literature suggests that neither students nor faculty feel fully confident of program capacity to meet the inherent challenges.




社会工作计划在确保合格的残疾学生获得平等机会方面取得了进展。然而,社会工作学校及其教职员工往往难以充分纳入和平衡残疾学生的权利和他们的把关角色,以确保训练有素的社会工作者适合专业实践。在本次范围审查中,我们确定并综合了有关社会工作教育对残疾学生提出和实施的应对措施的研究。我们从 1990 年至今的 34 篇已发表论文中研究了主动和被动响应对可访问性的机遇和挑战;确定为项目支持和把关而开发的理论、框架和工具;并提供残疾学生关于社会工作教育经验的报告。解决残疾问题似乎常常是一个较低的项目优先级,文献表明,学生和教师都对项目应对固有挑战的能力充满信心。
