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Effect of size and vacancy defects on buckling properties of arsenene nanosheets
Philosophical Magazine Letters ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-07 , DOI: 10.1080/09500839.2022.2140216
Zhenyu Sun 1 , Guili Liu 1 , Juan Guo 1


Vacancy defects and size variations are inevitable in the preparation of arsenene nanosheets, and the effect of size and random distribution of vacancy defects on the buckling properties of arsenene nanosheets is not negligible. Previous research methods, such as molecular dynamics, have limitations in terms of computational cost when investigating this aspect. In this paper, a model of arsenene nanosheets is developed based on the finite element method and the buckling properties of arsenene nanosheets are investigated under various operating conditions such as different sizes, different orientations and the presence of vacancy defects. The results show that the buckling performance of arsenene nanosheets is enhanced by smaller size. In contrast, the presence of vacancy defects leads to the destruction of the original structure of arsenene nanosheets, resulting in a decrease in their buckling properties. This study provides an important contribution to the investigation of the buckling properties of arsenene nanosheets.




