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Litora Persona Ludo: Greco-Roman New Comedy amid Other Dramatic Genres in Statius's Achilleid
Transactions of the American Philological Association Pub Date : 2022-08-31 , DOI: 10.1353/apa.2022.0020
Mathias Hanses


This paper analyzes in-depth a statement frequently made in passing, namely that Statius's Achilleid alludes to Greek and Roman New Comedy. I argue that Statius sets the island of Scyros apart from the rest of the poem as a world reminiscent of the stage. Here, the experiences of the young Achilles echo tragedy, pantomime, satyr play, and especially the plays of Menander, Plautus, and Terence. The protagonist plays the part of the adulescens amans, Deidamia is the virgo he rapes, Lycomedes the senex he dupes, and Ulysses appears as the servus callidus who brings about a conclusion in marriage.


Litora Persona Ludo:Statius 的 Achilleid 中其他戏剧类型中的希腊罗马新喜剧


本文深入分析了一个经常顺便发表的声明,即Statius的Achilleid暗指希腊和罗马的新喜剧。我认为,Statius 将 Scyros 岛与诗歌的其他部分区分开来,作为一个让人想起舞台的世界。在这里,年轻的阿喀琉斯的经历与悲剧、哑剧、色狼的戏剧相呼应,尤其是米南德、普劳图斯和特伦斯的戏剧。主人公扮演adulescens amans,Deidamia是他强奸的处女座,Lycomedes是他欺骗的senex,而Ulysses则出现在为婚姻带来结局的servus callidus 。
