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The color of nonprofit leadership: Nonprofits with a CEO of color
Nonprofit Management and Leadership ( IF 2.627 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-05 , DOI: 10.1002/nml.21545
Young‐joo Lee 1

This study examines how a set of organizational characteristics relates to a nonprofit's likelihood of having a chief executive officer (CEO) of color, focusing on board diversity, revenue streams, risk aversion, and organizational capacity. The analysis of 2150 501(c)(3) organizations with the GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency reveals a positive association between board racial diversity and having a minority CEO, with the likelihood of having a CEO of color increasing by 1.1% when the proportion of racial minorities on the board increases by 1%. Findings also show that the likelihood of having a CEO of color increases with the number of paid staff and that environmental and animal-focused organizations are less likely to have a CEO of color. Overall, the findings suggest that building a racially diverse board is key to improving the racial diversity of nonprofit executive leadership.


非营利组织领导层的颜色:拥有有色人种 CEO 的非营利组织

本研究考察了一组组织特征如何与非营利组织拥有有色人种首席执行官 (CEO) 的可能性相关,重点关注董事会多元化、收入流、风险规避和组织能力。对拥有 GuideStar 白金透明度印章的 2150 501(c)(3) 组织的分析表明,董事会种族多样性与拥有少数族裔 CEO 之间存在正相关关系,当少数族裔 CEO 的比例增加 1.1%董事会中的少数族裔增加了 1%。调查结果还表明,拥有有色人种 CEO 的可能性随着受薪员工数量的增加而增加,而以环境和动物为中心的组织则不太可能拥有有色人种 CEO。全面的,