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Resolving an open problem on the hazard rate ordering of p-spacings
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s0269964822000377
Mahdi Alimohammadi

Let $V_{(r,n,\tilde {m}_n,k)}^{(p)}$ and $W_{(r,n,\tilde {m}_n,k)}^{(p)}$ be the $p$-spacings of generalized order statistics based on absolutely continuous distribution functions $F$ and $G$, respectively. Imposing some conditions on $F$ and $G$ and assuming that $m_1=\cdots =m_{n-1}$, Hu and Zhuang (2006. Stochastic orderings between p-spacings of generalized order statistics from two samples. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 20: 475) established $V_{(r,n,\tilde {m}_n,k)}^{(p)} \leq _{{\rm hr}} W_{(r,n,\tilde {m}_n,k)}^{(p)}$ for $p=1$ and left the case $p\geq 2$ as an open problem. In this article, we not only resolve it but also give the result for unequal $m_i$'s. It is worth mentioning that this problem has not been proved even for ordinary order statistics so far.


解决有关 p 间距的危险率排序的悬而未决的问题

$V_{(r,n,\tilde {m}_n,k)}^{(p)}$$W_{(r,n,\tilde {m}_n,k)}^{(p) }$分别是基于绝对连续分布函数$F$$G$的广义阶次统计的$p$间距。对$F$$G$施加一些条件,并假设$m_1=\cdots =m_{n-1}$,Hu 和 Zhuang (2006。来自两个样本的广义阶统计量的p间距之间的随机排序。概率工程与信息科学20: 475) 建立了$V_{(r,n,\tilde {m}_n,k)}^{(p)} \leq _{{\rm hr}} W_{(r,n) ,\tilde {m}_n,k)}^{(p)}$对于$p=1$并将$p\geq 2$的情况留为未决问题。在本文中,我们不仅解决了这个问题,还给出了不相等的$m_i$的结果。值得一提的是,迄今为止,即使对于普通的订单统计,这个问题也没有得到证明。
