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Teaching inclusive and special education during the COVID-19 pandemic: needed support for learning and research of effects on teachers and students
Support for Learning Pub Date : 2022-11-11 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9604.12426
James M. Kauffman , Jeanmarie Badar , Betty Hallenbeck , Joao Lopes

The COVID-19 pandemic drastically altered K-12 teaching and learning and is likely to affect the students' and teachers' futures. This is true for both general and special education. Lingering, long-term issues will affect teachers and students at all levels of education. However, ‘silver linings’ of the pandemic might nudge education into better practices. Reliable quantitative research of the pandemic's effects is needed, and this includes research of new supports for learning.


在 COVID-19 大流行期间教授全纳教育和特殊教育:需要支持学习和研究对教师和学生的影响

COVID-19 大流行彻底改变了 K-12 的教学,并可能影响学生和教师的未来。普通教育和特殊教育都是如此。挥之不去的长期问题将影响各级教育的师生。然而,大流行的“一线希望”可能会推动教育进入更好的实践。需要对大流行的影响进行可靠的定量研究,这包括研究新的学习支持。