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Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations, 2021–2022
Sign Language Studies Pub Date : 2022-11-12

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Master’s Theses and Doctoral Dissertations, 2021–2022

Master’s Theses

Al Aswadi, Nahwan. 2022. Rendering Sound Effects in Arabic Subtitling for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Audiences. Order No. 29065409, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (Qatar).

Andan, Qatherine Emily. 2022. Amodal Phonology: Some Linguistic Knowledge Transcends Modality. Order No. 29207524, Northeastern University.

Bana Zadeh, Maryam. 2022. Dancing in Silence; A Center for Deaf Art and Culture. Order No. 29166440, University of Maryland, College Park.

Brockway, Kathleen L. 2022. Ethical Consideration and Methodology for Documenting Deaf Cultural Data. Goucher College. https://mdsoar.org/handle/11603/24695.

Gateley, Martha Lois. 2021. Participant Reference in Colombian Sign Language Narrative. Order No. 28645554, The University of North Dakota.

Hoekman, Hanna. 2021. Examining Mentorship in the Field of Sign Language Interpreting: An Application of Relational Dialectics Theory. Order No. 28773789, Rochester Institute of Technology

Hopkins, Claire Megan. 2021. School Experiences of Queer Youth Who are Deaf. Order No. 29110728, University of Johannesburg (South Africa). -theses/school-experiences-queer-youth-who-are-deaf/docview/2642946164/se-2.

Hull, Marissa Adriana. 2022. Sophia Fowler Gallaudet, Eliza Boardman Clerc, and Deaf Domesticity: A Case Study of Intersections of Gender and Disability in the Nineteenth Century United States. Order No. 29208238, University of California, Riverside.

Igel, Megan Elizabeth. 2021. The Cognitive and Linguistic Profile of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Who Produce Palm Reversals. Order No. 28582687, Miami University. [End Page 127]

Krasniqi, Rajmonda. 2022. Experiences of US Immigrant Hearing Parents with a Deaf Child: A Narrative Study. Order No. 29067265, Lamar University–Beaumont.

Lammert, Jessica M. 2021. Visual Perception in Hearing Sign Language Users. Order No. 29248306, The University of Western Ontario (Canada).

Langerud, Courtney. 2022. Contextualizing Deaf Education in Kenya. Order No. 29169741, Arizona State University.

Lenahan, Megan. 2022. Inclusion of Elementary Students Who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing: A Case Study. Order No. 29209734, Minot State University.

Lu, Jenny C. 2021. Emerging Deictic Systems Shaped by Language, Modality, and Social Interaction. Order No. 28548854, The University of Chicago.

Martin, James T. 2022. Technology Used for Teaching ASL in Higher Education Programs. Order No. 29165814, Lamar University - Beaumont. Mason, Jessica L. 2021. Culture Shock and Adaptation in Deaf International

Students in Post-Secondary Institutions. Order No. 28419756, Lamar University - Beaumont.

Noschese, Emily Jo. 2021. Younger Deaf People’s Attitudes Toward American Sign Language Structure. Order No. 28866017, University of Hawai’i at Manoa.

Pusuba Devayalage, Samadhi. 2022. Examination of the Colorful Semantic Approach Via Telepractice for Children Who are Deaf Or Hard of Hearing. Order No. 29161717, University of Arkansas.

Quam, Madeline. 2021. The Role of Language in Object Tracking: Evidence from Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Typically Hearing Children. University of Connecticut. https://collections.ctdigitalarchive.org/islandora/object/20002:860656230

Quinones, Frances Michelle. 2021. Puerto Rican Sign Language: A Creole Language or An Endangered Dialect? Order No. 28255799, Northeastern Illinois University.

Rogers, Rachel E. 2022. Use of Elements from the Visual Communication and Sign Language Checklist to Supplement Language Sampling Analysis in Assessing the Language Abilities of Children Who Use Signed and Spoken Communication. Order No. 29321725, Idaho State University.

Roman, Jonathan. 2022. The Origin of Knowledge and Interest in Interpreting: Mapping Out White and BIPOC Interpreters Experiences in Rochester, NY. Order No. 29391778, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Samson, John. 2021. The Iconicity and Non-Arbitrariness of Body Locations in Four Unrelated Sign Languages. Order No. 28867095, The University of North Dakota. [End Page 128]

Schilling, Amy A. 2021. A Phenomenological Examination of the Experience for Deaf Faculty Members in a Post-Secondary Institution in America. Order No. 28418048, Eastern Kentucky University.

Woodford, Ashley. 2021. Health and Wellness: Building Resilience in Deaf Bilingual Classrooms. Order No. 28714778, University of California, San Diego.

Doctoral Dissertations

Bridgett, Tiffany Noel. 2022. American Sign Language Translation of the VCI from WISC-V. Order No. 29162653, Gallaudet University.

Buchanan, Beverly J. 2021. Preservation of Maritime Sign Language: An Endangered Language of Canada. Order No. 28866375, Lamar University–Beaumont.

Domingo, Raphael Vergel De Dios. 2022. Syntactic Patterns of Interrogative and Negation Constructions of Filipino Sign Language Consultants in the Philippines. Order No. 29163053, Gallaudet University.

Green, Ellayna. 2022. Mental Health Support within Education in the UK: Exploring the Experiences and Perspectives of...




  • 硕士论文和博士论文,2021-2022


阿尔阿斯瓦迪,纳万。2022. 为聋哑人和重听观众提供阿拉伯语字幕音效。订单号 2906540​​9,Hamad Bin Khalifa 大学(卡塔尔)。

安丹,凯瑟琳艾米丽。2022. Amodal 音韵学:一些语言知识超越模态。订单号 29207524,东北大学。

巴纳扎德,玛丽亚姆。2022. 在沉默中跳舞;聋人艺术和文化中心。订单号 29166440,马里兰大学帕克分校。

Brockway, Kathleen L. 2022。记录聋人文化数据的伦理考虑和方法。古彻学院。https://mdsoar.org/handle/11603/24695。

盖特利,玛莎·路易斯。2021. 哥伦比亚手语叙事中的参与者参考。订单号 28645554,北达科他大学。

霍克曼,汉娜。2021. 检查手语翻译领域的指导:关系辩证法理论的应用。订单号 28773789,罗彻斯特理工学院

霍普金斯,克莱尔梅根。2021. 失聪的酷儿青年的学校经历。订单号 29110728,约翰内斯堡大学(南非)。-theses/school-experiences-queer-youth-who-are-deaf/docview/2642946164/se-2。

赫尔,玛丽莎·阿德里安娜。2022. Sophia Fowler Gallaudet、Eliza Boardman Clerc 和聋哑家庭:美国 19 世纪性别和残疾交叉点的案例研究。加利福尼亚大学河滨分校订单号 29208238。

伊格尔,梅根伊丽莎白。2021. 产生手掌反转的自闭症谱系障碍儿童的认知和语言特征。订单号 28582687,迈阿密大学。[结束第 127 页]

克拉斯尼奇,拉杰蒙达。2022. 美国移民听力父母与聋童的经历:一项叙事研究。订单号 29067265,拉马尔大学-博蒙特。

拉默特,杰西卡 M. 2021。听力手语用户的视觉感知。订单号 29248306,西安大略大学(加拿大)。

朗格鲁德,考特尼。2022. 肯尼亚聋人教育情境化。订单号 29169741,亚利桑那州立大学。

莱纳汉,梅根。2022. 纳入失聪/听力障碍的小学生:案例研究。订单号 29209734,迈诺特州立大学。

Lu, Jenny C. 2021. 由语言、形态和社会互动塑造的新兴指示系统。订单号 28548854,芝加哥大学。

Martin, James T. 2022。用于在高等教育课程中教授 ASL 的技术。订单号 29165814,拉马尔大学 - 博蒙特。Mason, Jessica L. 2021. 聋人国际的文化冲击和适应

大专院校的学生。订单号 28419756,拉马尔大学 - 博蒙特。

Noschese,艾米丽·乔。2021. 年轻聋人对美国手语结构的态度。订单号 28866017,夏威夷大学马诺阿分校。

Pusuba Devayalage,三摩地。2022. 通过远程医疗对聋哑或重听儿童的彩色语义方法进行检查。订单号 29161717,阿肯色大学。

夸姆,玛德琳。2021. 语言在对象跟踪中的作用:来自聋人、听力障碍和正常听力儿童的证据。康涅狄格大学。https://collections.ctdigitalarchive.org/islandora/object/20002:860656230

奎诺内斯,弗朗西丝·米歇尔。2021. 波多黎各手语:克里奥尔语还是濒临灭绝的方言?订单号 28255799,东北伊利诺伊大学。

Rogers, Rachel E. 2022。使用视觉交流和手语清单中的元素补充语言抽样分析以评估使用手语和口语交流的儿童的语言能力。订单号 29321725,爱达荷州立大学。

罗曼,乔纳森。2022. 口译知识和兴趣的起源:在纽约州罗切斯特绘制白人和 BIPOC 口译员的经验。订单号 29391778,罗彻斯特理工学院。

参孙,约翰。2021. 四种不相关手语中身体位置的标志性和非任意性。订单号 28867095,北达科他大学。[结束第 128 页]

Schilling, Amy A. 2021。美国一所高等教育机构聋人教员经验的现象学检查。订单号 28418048,东肯塔基大学。

伍德福德,阿什利。2021. 健康与保健:在聋人双语教室中建立复原力。加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校订单号 28714778。


布里奇特,蒂芙尼诺埃尔。2022. 从 WISC-V 的 VCI 的美国手语翻译。订单号 29162653,加劳德大学。

Buchanan, Beverly J. 2021。海洋手语的保护:加拿大的一种濒危语言。订单号 28866375,拉马尔大学-博蒙特。

多明戈,拉斐尔·维格尔·德·迪奥斯。2022.菲律宾手语顾问的疑问句和否定句句法模式。加劳德大学订单号 29163053。

