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The Decolonisation of African Languages: Insights from Southern Africa
Language Matters ( IF 0.583 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-11 , DOI: 10.1080/10228195.2022.2138957
Pfuurai Chimbunde 1 , Maserole Kgari-Masondo 2


In this article, we draw inspiration from the learners’ movement witnessed at the University of Cape Town in 2015, which raised concerns similar to those raised at the Malaysia Conference in 2011 and at University College London in 2014. These concerns focused on the quest for non-Eurocentric paradigms in education. This article evaluates the progress made thus far to decolonise the use of African languages to fight linguicide. Thus, the article seeks to identify, describe, and evaluate what has been done in Southern African countries to answer the decolonial call and its challenges through discussing the prevailing problems of decolonising language policies. Using the decolonisation lens and document analysis, we use South Africa and Zimbabwe as case studies to check the urgency of the effort and then propose tentative actions that go beyond the rhetoric and writings of the decolonisation agenda.




在这篇文章中,我们从 2015 年开普敦大学见证的学习者运动中汲取灵感,这引发了与 2011 年马来西亚会议和 2014 年伦敦大学学院类似的担忧。这些担忧集中在寻求非以欧洲为中心的教育范式。本文评估了迄今为止在非殖民化使用非洲语言以对抗语言灭绝方面取得的进展。因此,本文试图通过讨论非殖民化语言政策的普遍问题来确定、描述和评估南部非洲国家为响应非殖民化呼吁及其挑战所做的工作。使用非殖民化镜头和文件分析,
