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Bovid Bone Accumulation in Late Middle Palaeolithic Poland
Journal of Field Archaeology Pub Date : 2022-11-14 , DOI: 10.1080/00934690.2022.2142384
Andrzej Wiśniewski 1 , Jarosław Wilczyński 2 , Bogusław Przybylski 3 , Magdalena Ciombor 1 , Krzysztof Stefaniak 1


The hunting activities of Neanderthals inhabiting the European Lowlands during the Weichsel glaciation are poorly understood due to the scarcity of faunal remains. This work concerns the puzzling accumulation of mammalian remains at the Middle Palaeolithic site Haller Av. in Wrocław, southwestern Poland. The site yielded lithic artifacts in two levels and numerous bone remains typical for steppe-tundra fauna, dominated by steppe bison (Bison priscus). As the site was transformed by fluvial processes, the question arose whether the accumulation of faunal bones was the result of human activity. To resolve this question, we used a multiproxy approach, including spatial analysis with GIS, as well as taphonomic and paleozoological analyses. It was found that the accumulation of bone remains was multi-stage and involved a large area. Only the bison remains were spatially correlated with the traces of human activity. In our opinion, these data indicate the presence of a hunting site of monospecific fauna, demonstrating the profound knowledge of Neanderthals about the ecosystem of which they were a part.




由于动物群遗骸稀少,人们对韦希塞尔冰川时期居住在欧洲低地的尼安德特人的狩猎活动知之甚少。这项工作涉及令人费解的旧石器时代中期遗址 Haller Av. 哺乳动物遗骸的堆积。在波兰西南部的弗罗茨瓦夫。该遗址在两个层面上产生了石器制品,大量骨骼仍然是草原苔原动物群的典型特征,以草原野牛为主(Bison priscus). 由于该地点因河流过程而发生变化,因此出现了动物骨骼的堆积是否是人类活动的结果的问题。为了解决这个问题,我们使用了多代理方法,包括使用 GIS 进行空间分析,以及埋藏学和古动物学分析。发现骨质遗骸的堆积呈多期、涉及大面积。只有野牛遗骸在空间上与人类活动的痕迹相关。我们认为,这些数据表明存在单一物种动物群的狩猎场,证明了尼安德特人对他们所属的生态系统的深刻了解。
