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Construction of neighbourhood centres with high-quality supply in existing communities
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-16 , DOI: 10.1680/jmuen.22.00026
Yunyang Zheng 1 , Ting Qu 1 , Jiaxiang Ning 1

The acceleration of China's urbanisation process has led to an imbalance in development between the new and the old areas in the city. This problem can generally be attributed to the growing number of new residential area projects in short supply in the existing communities, the construction scale of the existing communities, the low degree of intensive land use and the inadequate living facilities in the neighbourhood. As a new community service model, a neighbourhood centre can be a good solution. It can be applied to the community commercial construction of new residential areas as well as the transformation of existing communities. It not only meets the diversified needs of residents, but also improves the quality of life and urban environment. Therefore, with the background of old city reconstruction, combined with the ‘Xiangnan Bafang neighbourhood centre’ project, this paper presents and establishes a set of effective neighbourhood centre construction modes for the reconstruction of old residential areas from the perspectives of the core elements of high-quality supply, the compound development of the ground and the underground, and the co-operation mode with the government and enterprises.