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Mean residual life order among largest order statistics arising from resilience-scale models with reduced scale parameters
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-22 , DOI: 10.1017/s0269964821000486
Abedin Haidari , Mostafa Sattari , Ghobad Barmalzan

In this paper, we identify some conditions to compare the largest order statistics from resilience-scale models with reduced scale parameters in the sense of mean residual life order. As an example of the established result, the exponentiated generalized gamma distribution is examined. Also, for the special case of the scale model, power-generalized Weibull and half-normal distributions are investigated.



在本文中,我们确定了一些条件,以比较弹性尺度模型的最大阶统计量和平均剩余生命阶数意义上的缩减尺度参数。作为既定结果的示例,对取幂的广义伽马分布进行了检查。此外,对于比例模型的特殊情况,研究了幂广义 Weibull 和半正态分布。