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Prosodic variation of English in Dominica, Grenada, and Trinidad
World Englishes ( IF 1.154 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-22 , DOI: 10.1111/weng.12615
Philipp Meer 1, 2 , Robert Fuchs 3 , Dagmar Deuber 1 , Véronique Lacoste 4 , Eva Canan Hänsel 1

Varieties of English in the Caribbean have been claimed to have characteristic pitch patterns. However, there is little empirical research on prosodic aspects of English in the region. This paper provides a comparative phonetic analysis of several pitch parameters (pitch level, range, dynamism, rate of change, variability in rate of change, and tone rate) in English language data from Dominica, Grenada, and Trinidad that comprises read and spontaneous speech from 243 speakers. The results show that a wide pitch range and a high degree of variability in pitch, as mentioned in previous works, are not necessarily characteristic of English in the Caribbean overall, but that there are considerable cross-territorial prosodic differences, with English in Trinidad showing more variability than in Dominica and Grenada, particularly among female speakers. Socioprosodic variation, largely specific to Trinidad, was also identified.



加勒比地区的各种英语据称具有独特的音调模式。然而,关于该地区英语韵律方面的实证研究很少。本文对来自多米尼加、格林纳达和特立尼达的英语语言数据中的几个音高参数(音高水平、范围、动态、变化率、变化率的可变性和音调率)进行了比较语音分析,包括朗读和自发语音来自 243 位演讲者。结果表明,如前文所述,宽泛的音高范围和高度的音高可变性不一定是加勒比地区整体英语的特征,但存在相当大的跨地域韵律差异,特立尼达英语显示比多米尼克和格林纳达的变化更大,尤其是女性说话者。