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Extended learning in the digital society: combining formal and informal settings (Aprendizaje extendido en la sociedad digital: combinación de entornos formales e informales)
Culture and Education ( IF 2.226 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-28 , DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2022.2109268
Mercedes González-Sanmamed 1 , Albert Sangrà 2 , Oswaldo Lorenzo-Quiles 3


In the networked society, because of the possibilities provided by digitization, the expansion of learning contexts is being promoted lifelong but also life wide. Potential learning scenarios are expanded, either by considering the formal to informal continuum or by measuring up options for learning that move from face-to-face to online education, passing through hybrid or blended models. As a result of this, there is an agreement in considering that, thanks to digital technologies, opportunities to learn have been expanded and diversified: learning can be found and can happen wherever, whenever and between very varied people. This special issue contains eight articles that delve into the learning possibilities the digital society provides by describing and explaining how different people, belonging to different groups, develop on a personal and professional level at different times of their lifespan. This is done by considering the convergence of formal, non-formal and informal learning opportunities in the expanded environments of the digital society, and through the analysis framework provided by the concept of learning ecologies.




