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Conspiracy Theories in Congregations: A Pastoral Response
International Journal of Practical Theology Pub Date : 2022-11-30 , DOI: 10.1515/ijpt-2021-0053
Ian Hussey 1

Interest in understanding and responding to conspiracy theories has exploded in recent years. This article seeks to engage with a range of scholarship utilizing a practical theological methodology in order to discern an appropriate response. Because conspiracy theories often produce division in congregations, as well as isolate the conspiracists from their faith community, responding in a wise manner is clearly important. This article first surveys some of the theory and research related to the topic and then discusses the connections between religion and conspiracy theories. It then moves to recommend that a “pastoral” response, including a focus on caring and maintaining sense of belonging, is preferred to a rationalist response, aimed at convincing the conspiracists that they are wrong.


