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Energy in the European Green Deal: impacts and recommendations for MENA countries
The Journal of World Energy Law & Business ( IF 0.403 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-07 , DOI: 10.1093/jwelb/jwac033
Robert Rybski 1

The European Union (EU) presented its new and ambitious programme at the end of 2019—the European Green Deal (EGD), which should align its economy to reach the goal of climate neutrality in 2050. A vital part of the deal aims for the energy sector within the leitmotif of supplying clean, affordable and secure energy. Because energy-related Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions accounted in 2020 for three-quarters of all GHG emissions of the EU, the most important pillar for the EGD to succeed is the energy sector. The deal does not function within a vacuum as it will impact other countries, including those with vast conventional energy resources and close ties to the EU, like nations from the region of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This article assesses the deal’s impacts on MENA countries and includes recommendations concerning various aspects of low-carbon transition that could be applied. The EGD programme will be used as a reference scenario for those recommendations because of its universal character.



欧盟 (EU) 在 2019 年底提出了雄心勃勃的新计划——欧洲绿色协议 (EGD),该协议应调整其经济以在 2050 年实现气候中和的目标。该协议的一个重要部分旨在以提供清洁、负担得起和安全的能源为主题的能源部门。由于与能源相关的温室气体 (GHG) 排放量在 2020 年占欧盟所有温室气体排放量的四分之三,因此 EGD 取得成功的最重要支柱是能源部门。该协议不会在真空中发挥作用,因为它将影响其他国家,包括那些拥有丰富常规能源资源并与欧盟关系密切的国家,例如中东和北非地区 (MENA) 的国家。本文评估了该交易对中东和北非国家的影响,并包括有关可应用的低碳转型各个方面的建议。EGD 程序将用作这些建议的参考方案,因为它具有普遍性。