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Editor's Note: A Farewell and an Introduction
American Imago Pub Date : 2022-12-08
Murray Schwartz

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Editor’s Note: A Farewell and an Introduction
  • Murray Schwartz

Beginning in January, 2023, American Imago will have a new Editor. She is Jane Hanenberg, a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and currently an Associate Editor. Jane, who is a painter with deep knowledge of the history of art, will be the first woman to edit this journal since the original Imago was founded in 1912 and since it became American Imago in 1939. Many readers might say, “It’s about time!” We have worked together for many months and she is both prepared and eager to take the helm.

For me, editing American Imago has been a privilege and a labor of love. Since the 1970s, I have been fortunate periodically to publish my own writings here, and I have always valued the journal’s consistent interdisciplinary scope and depth spanning over a century of psychoanalytic and cultural (often controversial, at times violent) change. Five years ago, I made two promises to Anton (“Tony”) Kris, who enticed me to accept the editorship: that I would do the job until the age of 80, and that I would bring the journal closer to its Boston roots. Now I can say, “Mission accomplished!”

Editing a journal of interdisciplinary works requires unusual forms of collaboration and draws on the expertise and judgment of colleagues from many disciplines. I extend thanks to my predecessors Peter Rudnytsky and Louis Rose, and to William Breichner, the Journals Editor at the Johns Hopkins University Press, for their support and cooperation. My Associate Editors, Vera J. Camden, Jane Hanenberg, Vered Lev Kenaan and David Willbern, have unstintingly contributed their knowledge and advice, as have the many Editorial Board members who review submissions and suggest other reviewers who bring fresh perspectives to the evaluation process. I am grateful to our managing editors, Melissa Skepko, Rebecca Wishnie and Paulina Cossette, and to Mary Muhler at the Johns Hopkins University Press for keeping American Imago [End Page 591] 99.9% error free. Special issues were inspired and brought to life by Beverly Stoute, Stef Craps, Vera Camden, Frederika S. Tevebring, Alexander Wolfson and Vered Lev Kenaan. They conceived innovative topics and burnished the intellectual quality of American Imago. I am grateful also for the scholarship and imagination of the journal’s increasingly diverse authors; they have expanded its geographic reach and subject matter. With the commitment of this community, my time as Editor has been intellectually rewarding and deeply satisfying. Even in these troubling times, I am confident that American Imago will continue to be a generative force for “Psychoanalysis and the Human Sciences.” [End Page 592]

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  • 编者注:告别和介绍
  • 默里施瓦茨

从 2023 年 1 月开始,American Imago将迎来一位新编辑。她是 Jane Hanenberg,波士顿精神分析协会和研究所的培训和监督分析师,目前是副主编。Jane 是一位对艺术史有着深厚造诣的画家,她将成为自 1912 年 Imago 创刊到1939年成为美国 Imago以来的第一位女性主编。很多读者可能会说,“是时候了” !我们一起工作了很多个月,她既准备好又渴望掌舵。

对我来说,编辑American Imago一直是一种特权和热爱的劳动。自 1970 年代以来,我有幸定期在这里发表自己的作品,而且我一直很看重该杂志在跨越一个多世纪的精神分析和文化(通常是有争议的,有时是暴力的)变革中始终如一的跨学科范围和深度。五年前,我向安东(“托尼”)克里斯做出了两项承诺,他说服我接受了编辑职位:我会一直担任这份工作直到 80 岁,并且我会让该杂志更接近波士顿的根源。现在我可以说,“任务完成了!”

编辑跨学科作品的期刊需要不寻常的合作形式,并需要多学科同事的专业知识和判断力。感谢我的前任 Peter Rudnytsky 和 ​​Louis Rose,以及约翰霍普金斯大学出版社期刊编辑 William Breichner 的支持与合作。我的副主编 Vera J. Camden、Jane Hanenberg、Vered Lev Kenaan 和 David Willbern 毫不吝啬地贡献了他们的知识和建议,还有许多编辑委员会成员审阅提交的内容并建议其他审阅者为评估过程带来新的观点。我感谢我们的执行编辑 Melissa Skepko、Rebecca Wishnie 和 Paulina Cossette,以及约翰霍普金斯大学出版社的 Mary Muhler 保持美国意象 [第 591 页结束] 99.9% 无错误。Beverly Stoute、Stef Craps、Vera Camden、Frederika S. Tevebring、Alexander Wolfson 和 Vered Lev Kenaan 启发并赋予特刊以生命力。他们构思了创新的主题,并擦亮了American Imago的知识品质。我也感谢该杂志日益多样化的作者的学识和想象力;他们扩大了其地理范围和主题。有了这个社区的承诺,我作为编辑的时间在智力上得到了回报,也非常令人满意。即使在这些动荡不安的时代,我相信American Imago将继续成为“精神分析与人文科学”的生力军。【592页完】

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