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Systemic fungal infections: A pharmacist/researcher perspective
Fungal Biology Reviews ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fbr.2022.11.001
Abbygail C. Spencer , Katelyn R. Brubaker , Sylvie Garneau-Tsodikova

Systemic fungal infections are increasing in prevalence, especially in immunocompromised patients and post-surgical patients. The rise in systemic fungal infections has resulted in increased utilization of antifungal agents which, in turn, has contributed to escalating resistance rates as seen by the increasing number of fungal pathogens added to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Antimicrobial Resistance Threats Report in 2019. Unfortunately, there are few novel antifungal agents coming to market to combat these ever-increasing resistance rates. In this review, we cover the current climate of antifungal agents and explore agents coming through the pipeline and potentially to market. We also discuss the indicated uses for empiric and targeted antifungal therapies as well as the need to include antifungal agents as a part of antimicrobial stewardship programs that focus heavily on antibacterial agents.



全身性真菌感染的患病率正在增加,尤其是在免疫功能低下的患者和术后患者中。全身性真菌感染的增加导致抗真菌药物的使用增加,这反过来又导致耐药率上升,正如疾病控制和预防中心 2019 年抗菌素耐药性威胁报告中增加的真菌病原体数量所示。不幸的是,市场上几乎没有新型抗真菌药物来对抗这些不断增加的耐药率。在这篇综述中,我们涵盖了抗真菌药物的当前环境,并探讨了通过管道和可能上市的药物。
