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The effects of draw restrictions on knockout tournaments
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports Pub Date : 2022-12-12 , DOI: 10.1515/jqas-2022-0061
László Csató 1

The paper analyses how draw constraints influence the outcome of a knockout tournament. The research question is inspired by European club football competitions, where the organiser generally imposes an association constraint in the first round of the knockout phase: teams from the same country cannot be drawn against each other. Its effects are explored in both theoretical and simulation models. An association constraint in the first round(s) is found to increase the likelihood of same nation matchups to approximately the same extent in each subsequent round. If the favourite teams are concentrated in some associations, they will have a higher probability to win the tournament under this policy but the increase is less than linear if it is used in more rounds. Our results might explain the recent introduction of the association constraint for both the knockout round play-offs with 16 teams and the Round of 16 in the UEFA Europa League and UEFA Europa Conference League.


