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Condition index for public toilets using multi-criteria decision-making techniques
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-16 , DOI: 10.1680/jmuen.22.00015
K. A. Patel 1 , V. H. Lad 1 , A. C. Panchani 1 , D. A. Patel 1

Maintaining public toilets in good condition is essential for public health. Lack of maintenance may render them inefficient and unusable. Overall knowledge of the condition of toilets and prioritising maintenance activities are crucial for optimal enhancement and maintenance. A condition index helps to evaluate the facilities in toilets and categorise toilets based on their condition. To achieve this, a three-level hierarchical structure was developed from the literature search to identify factors and their attributes related to the condition of toilets. Then, a hierarchy process was used to estimate the weights of the factors and their attributes based on expert opinions. Finally, a weighted-sum method was used to develop an index. The developed index was applied to 40 randomly selected public toilet facilities to check the sensitivity of the index to changes in weighting and attributes.


