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Exploring Organizational Differences in Perceptions of Implementation Climate and Leadership in Schools: A Mixed Methods Study of Autism EBP Implementation
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities ( IF 2.434 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-13 , DOI: 10.1177/10883576221140149
Melina Melgarejo 1, 2 , Allison S. Nahmias 3 , Jessica Suhrheinrich 1, 2 , Patricia L. Schetter 4 , Michelle Dean 5 , Tana Holt 1, 2 , Jennica Li 4 , Aubyn C. Stahmer 2, 4

Public programs have been charged with implementation of evidence-based practices (EBPs) to improve outcomes for children with autism. However, research indicates that scale-up of EBPs poses challe...


探索学校实施氛围和领导力的组织差异:自闭症 EBP 实施的混合方法研究

公共项目负责实施循证实践 (EBP),以改善自闭症儿童的治疗结果。然而,研究表明,扩展 EBP 会带来挑战……