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Analysis of the influence of siphon hole spacing on soft-soil drainage effect
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-06 , DOI: 10.1680/jgeen.22.00145
Qingsong Shen 1 , Jun Wang 2 , Hongyue Sun 2 , Junwei Shu 1 , Yuequan Shang 1

In soft-soil siphon drainage, due to the siphon phenomenon, groundwater is discharged from the soil without the need for power and this increases the effective stress in the soil. A significant part of the drainage effect is determined by the spacing of the siphon holes. According to model tests carried out in this work, the decrease in the groundwater level was more pronounced for a smaller siphon hole spacing. Compared with a single-hole test, a spacing of 0.4 m resulted in an improvement of 107.6% in the minimum groundwater level. Based on subsequent numerical simulations it was found that when the hole spacing was 1.0 m, the decrease in the groundwater level on day 60 reached the limit value of 10 m for soft soil with a permeability coefficient of 10−9 m/s. In addition, field tests indicated that the average decrease in the water level for a 0.9 m hole spacing was 75.9% greater than that for 1.8 m, while the time required to reach the same decrease in the water level was 63.6% less.



在软土虹吸排水中,由于虹吸现象,地下水在不需要动力的情况下从土壤中排出,增加了土壤中的有效应力。排水效果的很大一部分取决于虹吸孔的间距。根据这项工作中进行的模型试验,对于较小的虹吸孔间距,地下水位的下降更为明显。与单孔试验相比,0.4 m 的间距使最低地下水位提高了 107.6%。随后的数值模拟发现,当孔距为1.0 m时,第60天地下水位下降达到渗透系数为10 -9的软土的极限值10 m 小姐。此外,现场试验表明,0.9 m 孔距的平均水位下降比 1.8 m 的孔距大 75.9%,而达到相同水位下降所需的时间减少 63.6%。