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Review of the Impact of Housing Quality on Inequalities in Health and Well-Being
Annual Review of Public Health ( IF 20.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-16 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-publhealth-071521-111836
Philippa Howden-Chapman 1 , Julie Bennett 1 , Richard Edwards 2 , David Jacobs 3 , Kim Nathan 1 , David Ormandy 4

Housing quality is essential for population health and broader well-being. The World Health Organization Housing and health guidelines highlight interventions that protect occupants from cold and hot temperatures, injuries, and other hazards. The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of ventilation standards. Housing standards are unevenly developed, implemented, and monitored globally, despite robust research demonstrating that retrofitting existing houses and constructing high-quality new ones can reduce respiratory, cardiovascular, and infectious diseases. Indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, and people with low incomes face cumulative disadvantages that are exacerbated by poor-quality housing. These can be partially ameliorated by community-based programs to improve housing quality, particularly for children and older people, who are hospitalized more often for housing-related illnesses. There is renewed interest among policy makers and researchers in the health and well-being of people in public and subsidized housing, who are disproportionately disadvantaged by avoidable housing-related diseases and injuries. Improving the overall quality of new and existing housing and neighborhoods has multiple cobenefits, including reducing carbon emissions.



住房质量对于人口健康和更广泛的福祉至关重要。世界卫生组织住房和健康指南强调了保护居住者免受寒冷和高温、伤害和其他危害的干预措施。 COVID-19 大流行强调了通风标准的重要性。尽管大量研究表明,改造现有房屋和建造高质量的新房屋可以减少呼吸道、心血管和传染病,但全球住房标准的制定、实施和监测并不均衡。原住民、少数民族和低收入人群面临着累积的不利条件,而劣质住房又加剧了这些不利条件。这些问题可以通过基于社区的改善住房质量的计划得到部分改善,特别是儿童和老年人,他们更经常因住房相关疾病而住院。政策制定者和研究人员对公共住房和补贴住房中人们的健康和福祉重新产生了兴趣,这些人因可避免的住房相关疾病和伤害而处于不成比例的不利地位。提高新建和现有住房和社区的整体质量具有多种协同效益,包括减少碳排放。